By Sinclair Lewis
![The Hack Driver](
The story “The Hack Driver” is about a young man who works as a junior assistant clerk in a law firm. He dislikes his job, which involves serving legal papers to people. One day, he’s sent to a country town called New Mullion to serve a summons to a man named Oliver Lutkins. The young man is relieved to escape the city for a while. In New Mullion, he meets a friendly hack driver named Bill Magnuson, who offers to help him find Lutkins.
Together, they search various places in the town, like shops and barber shops, to locate Lutkins. Bill is very helpful and offers advice on how to approach Lutkins without arousing suspicion. Despite their efforts, they can’t find Lutkins. They take a break and have lunch on a hilltop, during which Bill shares stories and insights about the town and its people.
After more searching, they finally go to Lutkins’ mother’s farm, where they encounter a large, cheerful woman. Bill tries to talk to her, but she becomes angry and chases them away. The young man realises he failed in his mission and returns to the city, feeling embarrassed and disappointed. His colleagues are upset, and he’s reprimanded by his boss.
Later, he learns that the friendly hack driver, Bill Magnuson, was actually Oliver Lutkins himself. He’s shocked and embarrassed by the realisation. When he goes to serve the summons again, Lutkins and his mother make fun of him and invite him for coffee. The story ends with a twist and a sense of irony.
In the end, the young man learns a lesson about assumptions and appearances. He also gains a newfound appreciation for the simple and honest people of New Mullion, even though his initial perception was different.
कहानी एक ऐसे युवक की है जो एक लॉ फर्म में जूनियर असिस्टेंट क्लर्क के रूप में काम करता है। उसे अपना काम नापसंद है, जिसमें लोगों को कानूनी कागजात परोसना शामिल है। एक दिन, उसे ओलिवर लुटकिंस नाम के एक व्यक्ति को सम्मन देने के लिए न्यू मुलियन नामक एक ग्रामीण शहर में भेजा गया। युवक को कुछ समय के लिए शहर से भाग जाने से राहत मिली है। न्यू मुलियन में, उसकी मुलाकात बिल मैग्नसन नाम के एक मिलनसार हैक ड्राइवर से होती है, जो उसे लुटकिंस को खोजने में मदद करने की पेशकश करता है।
साथ में, वे लटकिन्स का पता लगाने के लिए शहर में दुकानों और नाई की दुकानों जैसी विभिन्न जगहों की खोज करते हैं। बिल बहुत मददगार है और संदेह पैदा किए बिना लटकिन्स से संपर्क करने के बारे में सलाह देता है। अपने प्रयत्नों के बावजूद भी वे लटकिन्स को नहीं पा सके। वे एक ब्रेक लेते हैं और एक पहाड़ी की चोटी पर दोपहर का भोजन करते हैं, जिसके दौरान बिल शहर और उसके लोगों के बारे में कहानियाँ और अंतर्दृष्टि साझा करता है।
अधिक खोज के बाद, वे अंततः लटकिन्स की मां के खेत में जाते हैं, जहां उनका सामना एक बड़ी, हंसमुख महिला से होता है। बिल उससे बात करने की कोशिश करता है, लेकिन वह क्रोधित हो जाती है और उन्हें भगा देती है। युवक को एहसास होता है कि वह अपने मिशन में असफल हो गया है और शर्मिंदा और निराश महसूस करते हुए शहर लौट आता है। उसके सहकर्मी परेशान हैं, और उसके बॉस ने उसे फटकार लगाई है।
बाद में, उसे पता चला कि दोस्ताना हैक ड्राइवर, बिल मैग्नसन, वास्तव में ओलिवर लुटकिंस ही था। वह इस अहसास से हैरान और शर्मिंदा है। जब वह दोबारा सम्मन देने जाता है तो लटकिन्स और उसकी माँ उसका मज़ाक उड़ाते हैं और उसे कॉफ़ी के लिए आमंत्रित करते हैं। कहानी एक मोड़ और विडंबना की भावना के साथ समाप्त होती है।
अंत में, युवक धारणाओं और दिखावे के बारे में सबक सीखता है। न्यू मुलियन के सरल और ईमानदार लोगों के लिए भी उन्हें नई सराहना मिली, भले ही उनकी प्रारंभिक धारणा अलग थी।
কাহিনীটোত এজন ল’ ফাৰ্মত কনিষ্ঠ সহকাৰী কেৰাণী হিচাপে কাম কৰা এজন যুৱকৰ কাহিনী। মানুহক আইনী কাগজ-পত্ৰ পৰিবেশন কৰা কামটো তেওঁ অপছন্দ কৰে। এদিন তেওঁক নিউ মুলিয়ন নামৰ এখন দেশীয় চহৰলৈ পঠিওৱা হৈছে অলিভাৰ লুটকিন্স নামৰ এজন মানুহক চমন দিবলৈ। কিছু সময়ৰ বাবে চহৰৰ পৰা পলায়ন কৰি যুৱকজনে সকাহ পায়। নিউ মুলিয়নত তেওঁ বিল মেগনাছন নামৰ এজন বন্ধুত্বপূৰ্ণ হেক ড্ৰাইভাৰক লগ পায়, যিয়ে তেওঁক লুটকিন্সক বিচাৰি উলিয়াবলৈ সহায় কৰাৰ প্ৰস্তাৱ দিয়ে।
তেওঁলোকে একেলগে চহৰখনৰ বিভিন্ন ঠাই যেনে দোকান আৰু নাপিতৰ দোকান বিচাৰি লুটকিন্সৰ স্থান বিচাৰি উলিয়ায়। বিল অতি সহায়ক আৰু সন্দেহৰ সৃষ্টি নকৰাকৈ লুটকিন্সৰ কাষ চাপিব পৰাকৈ পৰামৰ্শ আগবঢ়ায়। চেষ্টা কৰিও তেওঁলোকে লুটকিন্সক বিচাৰি নাপায়। তেওঁলোকে বিৰতি লৈ পাহাৰৰ শিখৰত দুপৰীয়াৰ আহাৰ গ্ৰহণ কৰে, য’ত বিলে চহৰখন আৰু ইয়াৰ মানুহৰ বিষয়ে কাহিনী আৰু অন্তৰ্দৃষ্টি শ্বেয়াৰ কৰে।
অধিক বিচাৰি ফুৰাৰ পিছত অৱশেষত তেওঁলোক লুটকিন্সৰ মাকৰ ফাৰ্মলৈ যায়, য’ত তেওঁলোকে এগৰাকী ডাঙৰ, আনন্দময় মহিলাৰ সন্মুখীন হয়। বিলে তাইৰ লগত কথা পাতিবলৈ চেষ্টা কৰে যদিও তাইৰ খং উঠি সিহঁতক খেদি পঠিয়াই দিয়ে। যুৱকজনে নিজৰ মিছনত ব্যৰ্থ হোৱাটো উপলব্ধি কৰি লাজ আৰু হতাশ অনুভৱ কৰি চহৰলৈ উভতি যায়। সহকৰ্মীসকল বিচলিত, আৰু তেওঁক বছে ধমক দিয়ে।
পিছত তেওঁ গম পায় যে বন্ধুত্বপূৰ্ণ হেক ড্ৰাইভাৰ বিল মেগনাছন আচলতে অলিভাৰ লুটকিন্স নিজেই আছিল। উপলব্ধিটোত সি থতমত খাইছে আৰু লাজ পাইছে। যেতিয়া সি আকৌ চমনটো দিবলৈ যায়, তেতিয়া লুটকিন্স আৰু মাকে তাক ঠাট্টা কৰি কফি খাবলৈ মাতে। কাহিনীটোৰ অন্ত পৰিছে এটা টুইষ্ট আৰু বিদ্ৰুপৰ ভাৱৰে।
শেষত ডেকাজনে অনুমান আৰু চেহেৰাৰ বিষয়ে এটা পাঠ শিকে। নিউ মুলিয়নৰ সৰল আৰু সৎ মানুহবোৰৰ প্ৰতিও তেওঁ নতুনকৈ পোৱা প্ৰশংসা লাভ কৰে, যদিও তেওঁৰ প্ৰাৰম্ভিক ধাৰণা বেলেগ আছিল।
1. Deception and Appearance: The story shows how people can be different from how they seem at first glance. The hack driver, Bill Magnuson, is actually the man the protagonist is looking for, Oliver Lutkins. This theme emphasises that appearances can be misleading.
2. Irony: The story uses irony to highlight the contrast between what the protagonist expects and what actually happens. He believes he’s cleverly seeking Lutkins with the hack driver’s help, only to find out that Lutkins is the hack driver. This irony shows the gap between perception and reality.
3. Simplicity and Wisdom: The difference between the city and the rural town, New Mullion, reflects the theme of simplicity and wisdom. The hack driver, representing the town’s simple life, has deep insights that the protagonist underestimates. It suggests that wisdom can come from unexpected sources.
4. Humour and Satire: Humour and satire are used to mock the protagonist’s ignorance. His mistaken belief that he’s outsmarting Lutkins creates humour, especially when he realises Lutkins is right beside him. This humour highlights the protagonist’s humbling experience.
5. Social Class and Prejudice: The story touches on how people judge based on social class. The protagonist looks down on the people of New Mullion, assuming they’re unsophisticated. This theme shows the danger of making assumptions about others.
6. Unexpected Connections: The theme of unexpected connections is seen in the bond between the protagonist and Bill Magnuson/Lutkins. Their relationship develops in an unexpected way. This theme illustrates how relationships can grow in surprising circumstances.
7. Lessons in Humility: The protagonist learns humility through his journey. Failing to identify Lutkins and feeling embarrassed taught him not to underestimate others. This theme shows the value of humility and open-mindedness.
8. City vs. Country: Contrasting city life with rural life, the story suggests a longing for a simpler existence. The protagonist starts to appreciate the genuine life in New Mullion over his city job.
9. The Complexity of Human Nature: The story portrays the complexity of people. Characters like Lutkins and his mother have unexpected sides. This theme emphasises that individuals can’t be easily categorised.
10. The Unpredictable Nature of Life: The story reflects life’s unpredictability. The protagonist’s search for Lutkins is filled with unexpected twists and turns. This theme shows how life can be full of surprises.
These themes contribute to the story’s message about the dangers of assumptions, the importance of humility, and the depth of human connections.
1. Protagonist: The main character and narrator of the story. He is a young junior assistant clerk at a law firm. He is sent to New Mullion to serve a summons to Oliver Lutkins. Throughout the story, he learns important lessons about humility and the complexities of human nature.
2. Oliver Lutkins: The man to whom the protagonist is sent to serve a summons Lutkins is described as someone who avoids paying debts and is good at deceiving people. He cleverly disguises himself as the hack driver, Bill Magnuson, to evade being served the summons.
3. Bill Magnuson: The hacker driver who assists the protagonist in searching for Oliver Lutkins Unbeknownst to the protagonist, Bill is actually Oliver Lutkins in disguise. He provides valuable insights and assistance to the protagonist, revealing his wisdom and understanding of human nature.
4. Friz: Fritz is the owner of a shop in New Mullion. He informs Bill and the protagonist that he saw Lutkins earlier in his shop.
5. Gustaff: The owner of a barber shop in New Mullion Bill and the protagonist visits his shop in search of Lutkins.
6. Swedish: A customer at Gustaff’s barber shop who provides information about Lutkins’ whereabouts.
7. Chief: The leader of the law firm where the protagonist works. He becomes upset when the protagonist fails to serve the summons to Lutkins.
8. Lutkins’ Mother: Oliver Lutkins’ mother, who lives on a farm near New Mullion She is described as enormous and cheerful. She initially opposes the protagonist’s search but later interacts with him in a friendly manner.
These characters contribute to the development of the story’s themes and the protagonist’s journey of self-discovery and humility.
Q1: Why did the lawyer go to New Mullion? What did he think about the place at first?
Answer: The lawyer went to New Mullion to deliver legal papers to a man named Oliver Lutkins. He thought the place would be simple and charming, but it turned out to be disappointing, with muddy streets and shabby shops.
Q2: Who became friends with the lawyer? Where did they go together?
Answer: The hack driver, Bill Magnuson, became friends with the lawyer. They searched around New Mullion together to find Oliver Lutkins. They met many people while looking for Lutkins, but he couldn’t be found. In the end, the lawyer had to return by afternoon train without success.
Q3: What did Bill say about Lutkins?
Answer: Bill, the hack driver, said that Lutkins is tricky and hard to catch. He’s known for playing poker and being good at deceiving people. Bill got the impression that Lutkins didn’t pay back money he owed to others.
Q4: What more did Bill say about Lutkins and his family?
Answer: Bill mentioned that Lutkins’ mother was quite fierce and a large woman. He once transported something for her, and she scolded him because he didn’t handle it carefully.
Q5: Did the lawyer manage to deliver the summons that day?
Answer: No, the lawyer couldn’t serve the summons that day because he couldn’t find Oliver Lutkins anywhere. He also needed to catch the afternoon train.
Q6: Who is Lutkins?
Answer: Lutkins is actually Bill Magnuson, the hack driver. He tricks the lawyer into believing he’s helping find Lutkins, while he’s the person being sought.
Q7: Did ‘Bill’ know that the lawyer was looking for Lutkins when he first met him? When do you think Bill planned to trick the lawyer?
Answer: Initially, Bill didn’t know the lawyer was looking for Lutkins. He found out later that the lawyer needed Lutkins as a witness. This is when he probably planned to trick the lawyer because he didn’t want to be a witness.
Q8: How did Lutkins openly show the lawyer around the village? Can you find other ways Lutkins manipulated the situation?
Answer: Lutkins (Bill) cleverly manipulated the situation by telling the villagers he was looking for Lutkins, leading them to join in the game of fooling the lawyer. He kept making inquiries and never allowed Lutkins to reach the person or place before him, creating a dramatic scenario.
Q9: Why were Lutkins’ neighbours eager to meet the lawyer?
Answer: Lutkins’ neighbours had heard about how the lawyer was easily fooled by Bill. They wanted to meet someone who, despite being a lawyer, could be fooled by a hack driver.
Q10: After the lawyer’s first experience with Bill, he considered returning to New Mullion to practise law. Do you think he would have changed his mind after a second visit?
Answer: The lawyer’s first visit was pleasant, and he thought highly of New Mullion. But after realising the truth, he might have changed his mind about practising law there.
Q11: Was the lawyer gullible? How could he have avoided being deceived?
Answer: Yes, the lawyer was gullible because he believed things easily. To avoid being tricked, he could have been more cautious, asked more questions himself, and not solely relied on Bill’s information.
Q12: Do we encounter people like Lutkins in real life, or are they only in stories?
Answer: People like Lutkins exist in real life as well. We often hear about individuals who deceive others for their own gain through news, social media, and other sources.
Q13: Who is a ‘con man’ or a confidence trickster?
Answer: A con man or confidence trickster is someone who deceives people without raising suspicion. They gain trust and convince others to give them money or belongings, promising high returns. Bill Magnuson acted like a conman by fooling the lawyer for his own benefit.